Sunday, May 8, 2011

Losing everything, Gaining More.

Today we put up new wooden blinds in our fairly new house. It is finally starting to feel like a home. Like a big ol grown up home. I stood in the middle of the den and smiled. I thought about how blessed I was to have be given such a wonderful home with such a wonderful family. Before recovery I would have stood in the middle of the den and thought about I hard I had worked to achieve all of this and how because of my hard work I was entitled to some luxuries. But thankfully for the Grace of my Higher Power I can be thankful and detached... Yes. detached. When I began my journey in recovery I had to lose everything.. and I mean EVERYTHING. My husband, my furniture, my apartment in Point Loma, my car, my pets, and most importantly.. my pride. I ended up living in my friends garage. She was so kind to me. She had an extra bed and she let me use her laundry room and shower. I didn't have any money so I tried to help by doing the dishes. I don't think I can ever repay her. She gave me the foundation of my program and it was with her that I learned that everything I hold dear can be gone in a matter of an instant. So today when I look at all that has been given to me I can look at as just that . A Gift. A gift that is for this moment only and can be temporary. I know now that even if I lose everything, I will always be ok because my higher power has provided for me at every turn. If I have clothes to wear, food to eat, shelter and shower then none of this other crap really matters. They are just icing on the cake. But I must say... I DO love icing!


  1. Everyone loves icing. :-) I'm glad to hear you're enjoying your gifts.

    Stopped in from the LBS tea party.

  2. I imagine you have been through a lot. So glad you had the strength to come out on the other side of it and be able to enjoy the life that you earned back.
    Thanks for visiting fellow Lady Blogger.
    btw, when I took that picture of my cat, I kind of thought he looked like one of the sand people from Star Wars ;-)
